About Haynie Travel
Haynie Travel has been recognized by leading travel providers, and our clients for providing the following value added services with each and every booking:
TRUST - Hundreds of thousands (and counting!) of satisfied travelers served.
ACCOUNTABILITY - We’ve got your back before, during and after your trip, and our clients have free 24/7/365 emergency assistance available.
EXPERTISE - Our agents have traveled the world, and possess, on average over 20 years travel industry experience.
We appreciate your business, and will always do our utmost to ensure your complete satisfaction.
Nothing is better than the confidence in us from our community. Current President of Haynie Travel Service, Robert Haynie, (pictured left).
We've Googled ideas, Kayaked deals, been Trip Advised, and Bookmarked the Hottest, Goldest, Greenest lists, but...our mouse has FOUR THINGS that yours doesn't!
CLOUT: Haynie Travel, a FROSCH Affiliate and proud member of the Signature Travel Network, is one of a select few travel agencies that enjoys top status with hotel groups, luxury travel suppliers, special boutique properties, and all airlines. And, we get early notice of specials from leading tour providers and cruise companies. This means that we can get you rooms, perks, and preferred rates, when others simply can't. At Haynie Travel, we focus on superior customer service, yet we also offer more for the same dollar than what you will find anywhere on the Web.
CONNECTIONS: Our philosophy: It pays to work with local experts. We have long-standing relationships with a vast set of knowledgeable, responsible tour operators, guides and resident authorities. No matter how often we inspect a location (and we do), we also network with onsite advisors. Whether for planning family trips to Mexico or exotic Mekong River cruises of Vietnam, when we say "Insider's Access", we mean it!
EXPERTISE: Our travel agents have an average of 20 years' experience and have traveled to every continent, excluding Antarctica.
Our specialists are recognized and accredited by virtually all leading travel providers. We have the skill to meet your individual requirements, and we are trained on the most advanced travel technologies available. You can rest assured that at Haynie Travel, we'll get you exactly what you want or can help you make a well-informed decision if you're just not sure.
SERVICE: When you work with Haynie Travel, you get across-the-board support. We'll assist with travel insurance, passports and visas, modes of transportation, and ever changing airline rules and restrictions. Need restaurant recommendations? Maps? Tips for sightseeing tailored to your interests? Check! Leave the details up to our experts. Most vital to your security and comfort, we're here if something goes wrong on the trip, or you just want to re-configure your plans. With Haynie Travel, if something unexpected occurs, from the most serious travel concern to the smallest request, we've got your back, right here at home.
Remember, without a travel agent, you're on your own!
To help you discover ways to explore the world, we're pleased to share our Travel Magazine & Ultimate Experiences Magazine Online.
Our free app that allows you to carry all of the destination information you need while traveling, right in your pocket!
The fastest way to get your Passport or Visa